Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wonder Woman #24

After Diana's high-profile showdown with the devil is broadcast worldwide, Hollywood comes calling with a surefire proposal: WONDER WOMAN: THE MOVIE! It's the summer blockbuster to end all blockbusters, but will Diana play along? And will the project get back-burnered permanently by a terrorist with a grudge against the Amazons?
* I think that a Wonder Woman movie is definatly needed. Though the script has been in the works for a few years, WB has finally announced that no "Female Superhero Movies" are in the works.. I am excited to see where it takes this in the comics, maybe they might learn something. - Chris

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Matthew Mitcham gold

Last night at the Olympics Australian Diver Matthew Mitchem won the gold medal in diving. I know that he is not from the United States, but he does have one thing in common with me. Matthew is a openly gay man. He joins a very small group of openly homosexual athletes to medal at the Olympics.

It is very comforting for me to see a positive, healthy example of a gay man that kids can look up too. I only wish that I had someone that was comfortable about their sexuality and open about who they are to look up too when I was growing up! I hope that even just one child struggling with being gay watched history being made tonight and gained strength and clarity from this moment. It is okay to be 100% of who you are, and to love who you were meant to love, because that is what it is all about. LOVE!

Congratulations Matthew!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blog Change Schnebbs

So i have decided to change my blog account.. someone was being really weird with it and I needed a change. Obviously because my other blog tended to make it so that i never blogged at all. I am going to change that!!

I am going to use this blog to talk about me, JD, the skittles and Wonder Woman. I hope that you all make the change and start to use this one instead of the other lame blog that i had before

Thanks and loves
